The Embassy of the Kyrgyz Republic to the USA and Canada in cooperation with American company agreed to implement a project helping to local hospitals


On October 24, the Ambassador of the Kyrgyz Republic to the USA and Canada Bakyt Amanbaev met with Dr. Ayoob Ayoobi, director of NGO & Government Relations of the American company Project C.U.R.E. At the meeting, the Ambassador spoke about socio-economic projects at the country and regional levels implemented in Kyrgyzstan over the past three years under the presidency of President Sadyr Zhaparov and also briefly presented the resources potential of Kyrgyzstan. Moreover, Bakyt Amanbaev briefly introduced the activities of the authorities of Kyrgyzstan towards the rise of the country’s economy in recent years, and also proposed implementing joint projects in the future in order to improve the well-being of the Kyrgyz people.

Dr. Ayoob Ayoobi, for his part, spoke about the activities of the company he works for. It was mentioned that Project C.U.R.E. has made significant contributions to improving the health sector in developing countries over the past few years, and provided information about projects being implemented in other countries.

During the meeting, the parties agreed to implement a project in healthcare sector in the near future. More precisely, a project is aimed to provide medical equipment to certain hospitals in Kyrgyzstan.

For reference: Project C.U.R.E. was founded in 1987 to address the staggering shortage of medical resources around the world. Today, Project C.U.R.E. has become the world’s largest distributor of donated medical supplies, equipment and services to doctors and nurses in more than 135 countries.