The Ambassador of the Kyrgyz Republic to the USA met with the US Environmental Protection Agency


On the 8th February, the Ambassador of the Kyrgyz Republic to the USA and Canada B. Amanbaev met with the Director of the Office of International and Tribal Affairs of the US Environmental Protection Agency Mr. Mark Kasman.

Together with Mr. Kasman the Ambassador discussed the problems of climate change and its negative impact on the environment around the world, as well as prospects for future cooperation. Baktybek Amanbaev noted that climate change has a negative effect on the nature of mountainous countries and leads to the rapid retreat of perennial glaciers. He informed the American side about the measures implemented by Kyrgyzstan in recent years at the initiative of the President of the Kyrgyz Republic Sadyr Japarov to preserve perennial glaciers and prevent the negative impact of climate change on the nature of mountain regions.

Baktybek Amanbaev also emphasized that on the initiative of the Kyrgyz Republic, the General Assembly of the United Nations declared 2022 as the "International Year of Sustainable Mountain Development". Then, in December 2022, the UN General Assembly adopted a resolution declaring 2023-2027 "Five Years of Action for the Development of Mountainous Regions".

In addition, Baktybek Amanbaev handed the Global Action Framework for the Five Years of Action for the Development of Mountain Regions to Mr. Kasman and pleaded for support from the American side in the implementation of the measures provided in the Global Action Framework.

Mark Kasman expressed his readiness for close cooperation with the Kyrgyz side and shared his proposals for future joint work.

  • The Ambassador of the Kyrgyz Republic to the USA met with the US Environmental Protection Agency