On the participation of the Embassy of the Kyrgyz Republic to the USA in online meeting with representatives of the US Department of Treasure, Trade Representative, Department of Agriculture and USAID for the development of trade and economic cooperation



On August 11, 2020, the Kyrgyz Embassy to the USA took part in online meeting with representatives of the US Department of Treasure, Trade Representative, Department of Agriculture and USAID and discussed prospects and opportunities for developing trade and economic cooperation between the Kyrgyz Republic and other countries of the Eurasia region with the USA, including by increasing the effectiveness of cooperation under bilateral and regional trade agreements, promoting the institution of foreign agricultural services, introducing the position of Agricultural Attaché abroad and implementing American programs of technical and expert support.

Online meetings are held as part of the Commerce Department’s «Doing Business with the USA» program, aimed at strengthening American cooperation with the governments of the region, increasing the level of trading activities and familiarizing with the best practice of applying professional skills and specific business tools for more successful engagement with American companies, business associations and US government agencies on economic and trade issues.