On June 4, 2021, the Permanent Representative of the Kyrgyz Republic to international organizations in Vienna Mr. Bakyt Dzhusupov met with Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency Mr. Rafael Mariano Grossi.


On June 4, 2021, the Permanent Representative of the Kyrgyz Republic to international organizations in Vienna Mr. Bakyt Dzhusupov met with Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency Mr. Rafael Mariano Grossi.

Permanent Representative Bakyt Dzhusupov thanked the Agency for providing timely and rapid assistance to the Kyrgyz Republic in the fight against COVID-19 by presenting three RT-PCR diagnostic equipment. Welcomed the initiative of Director General Grossi to create the ZODIAC program. Expressed the hope that national administrators, with their extensive knowledge and experience in the relevant thematic area, will play an important role in coordinating the work.

As well noted the constant support from the Agency in relation to strengthening the capacity of state experts who are involved in the process of training seminars, international conferences of the IAEA. Despite the lockdown, representatives of the Kyrgyz Republic take an active part in the virtual format.

Permanent Representative Bakyt Dzhusupov expressed confidence in the success of the implementation of the Strategic Master Plan for the rehabilitation of uranium tailings in the Kyrgyz Republic.

For his part, Director General Grossi thanked for the nomination of national administrators to participate in the ZODIAC program. Informed that the ZODIAC initiative is designed to promote comprehensive action to combat zoonotic diseases. Confirmed the Agency's commitment to further strengthening the capacity of government agencies in Kyrgyzstan, as well as developing and expanding the activities of technical projects.