On July 6, 2019, in Doha, the Council of compatriots at the Embassy of the Kyrgyz Republic was established in Doha.


On July 6, 2019, in Doha, the Council of compatriots at the Embassy of the Kyrgyz Republic was established in Doha. The decision to create of the Council was taken at a meeting of the organizing committee, convened at the initiative of the Embassy of the Kyrgyz Republic in the State of Qatar. The main task of the Council will be to ensure cooperation between compatriots of the Kyrgyz Republic living in the State of Qatar.

The Council included activists from the citizens of the Kyrgyz Republic living in Qatar, who were proposed by compatriots themselves.

During the meeting, there was also a detailed exchange of views on the issues relevant to the compatriots.

The idea of creating a Council of compatriots was proposed by the Embassy of the Kyrgyz Republic in the State of Qatar. According to the participants of the meeting, the need for the creation of the Council is timely and relevant in light of the increase in the number of citizens of the Kyrgyz Republic in the State of Qatar, where about 500 Kyrgyz citizens live and work.

At the end of the meeting, an agreement was reached on the organization of regular meetings of Council members, discussion clubs and other social and cultural events in close cooperation with the Embassy of the Kyrgyz Republic in the State of Qatar. The participants of the meeting also decided on candidates for participation in the First meeting of the Council on relations with Compatriots Abroad, which will be held in August this year with the participation of the President of the Kyrgyz Republic.