President Sadyr Zhaparov received Bilal Erdogan, Chairman of the World Confederation of Ethnosports


Today, June 15, the President of the Kyrgyz Republic Sadyr Japarov received the Chairman of the World Confederation of Ethnosport Bilal Erdogan.

There was an exchange of views on preparations for the IV World Nomad Games in the Turkish city of Iznik, Bursa province, as well as on the development of the World Nomad Games in the near future and the activities planned under this initiative.

The head of the state noted the readiness of the Kyrgyz side to assist in organizing and holding such a large-scale international event.

In his turn, the chairman of the World Confederation of Ethnosports, Bilal Erdogan, expressed gratitude for the warm welcome and told about the history of the Confederation, noting that the organization was established thanks to the World Nomad Games in Kyrgyzstan, and about the work carried out by the Organizing Committee.

Bilal Erdogan said that the city of Iznik was not chosen as the venue of the World Nomad Games by chance. Firstly, the city is located on the shore of a lake reminiscent of Issyk-Kul, and secondly, there is a Memorial to the Kyrgyz warriors who fell in the battles for the capture of this city in the early second millennium AD.

President Sadyr Japarov wished success in the preparation of the event and confirmed the readiness of our country to take the most active part in it.

For reference:

The Games were previously planned to be held in the city of Bursa of the province of the same name, but were postponed in the fall of 2020 due to the coronavirus pandemic and later moved to the city of Iznik.

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