On 19 July 2023, at the UN headquarters in New York City, Kyrgyzstan with Mountain Partnership Secretariat presented the Global Framework for the Five Years of Action for the Development of Mountain Regions for 2023-2027.


On 19 July 2023, at the UN headquarters in New York City, Kyrgyzstan with Mountain Partnership Secretariat presented the Global Framework for the Five Years of Action for the Development of Mountain Regions for 2023-2027.

During the presentation, the delegation of the Kyrgyz Republic, represented by the First Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, Asein Isaev, called on all countries to work together on concrete measures to advance the mountain agenda, including the allocation of financial resources to protect the mountain ecosystems.

Presentations were made by the heads of delegations of Malawi, Nepal, Uzbekistan, Andorra, Italy, Peru, China, as well as representatives of international organizations such as UNDP, OSCE, World Meteorological Organization, World Bank, Aga Khan Habitat Agency and others. More than 60 Member States, including members of the Group of Friends of Mountainous Countries, participated in the event.

During their speeches, UN member states noted the leading role of the Kyrgyz Republic in promoting the mountain agenda on the international platform. They also expressed their gratitude to the Kyrgyz side and Mountain Partnership Secretariat for organizing the side event and presenting the Global Framework, which contributes to the conservation of mountain ecosystems and the sustainable development of mountain regions.

The Global Framework addresses climate change adaptation and conservation in mountain regions, infrastructure development in mountain countries and improving mountain communities.

For reference: At the initiative of Kyrgyzstan, 2022 was declared by the UN General Assembly as the International Year of Sustainable Mountain Development. In December 2022, the UN resolution on the declaration of 2023-2027 «Five Years of Action for the Development of Mountain Regions» was adopted.