Meeting with the Federal Councillor, Head of the Department of Economic Development of the canton of Geneva, Switzerland, Mr. Pierre Maudet


On March 12, 2020, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Kyrgyz Republic to the Swiss Confederation Mr. Daniiar Mukashev held a meeting with the Federal Councillor, Head of the Department of Economic Development of the canton of Geneva, Switzerland, Mr. Pierre Maudet.

During the meeting, the parties discussed ways and possibilities of establishing mutually beneficial cooperation between the regions of Kyrgyzstan and the canton of Geneva in the economic, social, educational and other spheres. Ambassador of Kyrgyzstan informed Mr. Maudet of the announcement by the President of the country of 2020 as the Year of the Regional development, digitalization and support for children, as well as similarly announced Regional development years in 2018 and 2019, and proposed establishment of direct relations between the regions of Kyrgyzstan and the canton of Geneva, including via signing twinning (sisterhood) agreements.

In addition, Mr. Mukashev informed about the First Economic Forum "EU - Central Asia" to be held on July 9-10, 2020, in Bishkek, and extended an invitation to the canton of Geneva to participate at this event in the form official and business delegations. Mr. Maudet accepted the invitation with pleasure, but noted that a lot would most likely depend on the future situation with the spread of coronavirus.

In conclusion, the parties agreed to continue joint efforts to develop and strengthen interaction between the Kyrgyz Republic, its regions and the canton of Geneva.