82nd session of the UN Economic Commission for Europe Inland Transport Committee


The Permanent Mission of the Kyrgyz Republic to the United Nations in Geneva took part in the 82nd session of the UN Economic Commission for Europe Inland Transport Committee. The event was held from February 25 to 28 with the participation of UN leaders, heads of transport departments and international transport organizations. During the session, issues were discussed and projects outlined in the field of transport policy and strategic development, ecology, intermodal transport and logistics, automation and intelligent transport systems.

Within the framework of the 82nd session of the UNECE ITC, the Permanent Mission also took part in a side event and photo exhibition devoted to the interconnectivity of the Caspian region and its transport potential. One of the goals of participating in the event was the presentation of the transport potential and infrastructure policy of Kyrgyzstan (rail, road and air traffic). During the side event, participants discussed the development of international cooperation between countries and visions of further prospects for the development of transport, as well as the main aspects addressed in UNGA resolution A / RES / 72/212 “Strengthening the links between all modes of transport to achieve sustainable development goals development. "

For reference: The United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) is one of the five regional commissions of the United Nations, established in 1947 with the aim of developing economic activity and strengthening economic ties in the region, as well as economic ties of the UNECE region with the rest of the world.

The Inland Transport Committee (ITC UNECE) is a body of the Economic Commission for Europe. A significant place in the work of the Committee is normative activity: more than 59 conventions, protocols and agreements have been developed and are effectively operating, technical standards and norms aimed at developing the transport sector and facilitating border crossing.

The UNECE ITC annual sessions are aimed at summing up the results of the year and agreeing on long-term work plans.