Ambassador Daniiar Mukashev held a telephone conversation with the Head of the Division for Europe, Central Asia, Council of Europe and OSCE of the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs of the Swiss Confederation Ambassador Anna Ifkovits


On October 21, 2020, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Kyrgyz Republic to the Swiss Confederation/Permanent Representative of Kyrgyzstan to the UN Office and other international organizations in Geneva Mr. Daniiar Mukashev held a telephone conversation with the Head of the Department for Europe, Central Asia, Council of Europe and OSCE of the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs of the Swiss Confederation Ambassador Anna Ifkovits. The conversation took place on the initiative of the Kyrgyz side due to the existing restrictions on holding face-to-face meetings related to the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Ambassador of Kyrgyzstan informed about the current internal political and economic situation in Kyrgyzstan and noted that the country is now back on legal track, and currently all state authorities, other organizations and institutions in the country are working in a regular mode. In addition, Mr. Mukashev reassured that the Kyrgyz Republic remains committed to fulfilling all previously assumed international obligations within bilateral and multilateral cooperation. During the phone conversation, the Swiss side was requested to consider the possibility of providing assistance to Kyrgyzstan to stabilize the current situation in the country, as well as to hold the upcoming parliamentary and presidential elections.

Ambassador Mukashev expressed special gratitude to the Government of Switzerland for the assistance being provided to Kyrgyzstan in connection with COVID-19 and expressed hope that humanitarian assistance will be continued and even more strengthened due to possible second wave of the epidemic.

Ambassador Ifkovits, in her turn, noted that Switzerland is closely following the development of the current situation and the ongoing political changes in Kyrgyzstan and expressed her hope that all efforts of the current authorities will be on creating the conditions for building a truly democratic state with a system of full protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms. She also stressed the importance of creating all the necessary conditions for the conducting of honest and fair electoral processes in Kyrgyzstan, which would reflect the interests and hopes of the entire Kyrgyz society.

The two parties agreed to continue joint efforts aimed at strengthening the political dialogue, trade, economic and technical cooperation between Kyrgyzstan and Switzerland.