Ambassador A.Madmarov met with the Chairman of the State Migration Service of Turkmenistan A.Sazakov


On November 30, 2023 the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Kyrgyz Republic to Turkmenistan Azizbek Madmarov met with the Chairman of the State Migration Service of Turkmenistan Amanmuhammet Sazakov.

During the meeting, the parties exchanged views on establishing cooperation in visa issues and in the field of migration between the Kyrgyz Republic and Turkmenistan, as well as on the preparation of an appropriate legal framework in these areas. At the same time, the intention to intensify bilateral cooperation in these areas was emphasized.

Taking into account the development of cooperation in the transport and transit sphere, in particular the intensification of interaction between countries on the use of multimodal transport corridors running through the territories of Kyrgyzstan and Turkmenistan, A.Madmarov noted the importance of creating favorable conditions for cargo carriers. In this regard, the Ambassador especially focused attention on issues related to driver’s visas.

In turn, A.Sazakov, agreeing with the Ambassador’s opinion, confirmed his interest in intensifying joint work and expressed his readiness for constructive bilateral cooperation.

The parties, confirming their intention to promote interaction between the two countries in visa issues and the field of migration, expressed their readiness to maintain regular contacts, as well as provide mutual assistance on issues of common interest.